Neshan Is Professional and Educational Magazine with the Intention of Ameliorating Ties between
the Graphic Designers of Iran, Asia and all parts of the world.
En el ultimo numero de Neshan Magazine, el 11, entrevistan a David Hillman (aquí una pequeña biografía de este monstruo), una revisión de 150 años de diseño numismático en Iran y en Europa. Y especialmente, la reproducción de "Meanings of the ‘D’ Word and the ‘G’ Word: Rethinking Globalisation and Design", conferencia impartida en el ICOGRADA Seattle International Conference: Redefining Design on a Changing Planet.
Discurso razonado y sensible entorno a los retos y responsabilidades de la profesión en un paisaje cultural globalizado.
Mi recomendación es que dediquen algo de tiempo y lo lean con calma. Termino con un extracto de sus conclusiones:
A more culturally sensitive and socially conscious design approach is essential for the profession to relate itself to the globalisation conjunctures, communicate effectively across cultures, and contribute positively to the many cultures of the world. Amid the globalisation and intercultural communication challenges, our designs have to be made meaningful to a culturally dynamic audience if we are to accomplish our professional duty, and to promote the equality, dignity, diversity and unity of humankind in order to serve our social and cultural obligation as cultural elites and global citizens.
Linda Fu