La Pesadilla de Darwin es uno de los mejores documentales que se pueden ver en estos tiempos que corren y ahora también podemos verlo online, integro y en una calidad muy aceptable. Copio y pego el comienzo de la critica del N.Y Times, hoy vamos mal de tiempo 😉
"Hubert Sauper’s harrowing, indispensable documentary is framed by the arrival and departure of an enormous Soviet-made cargo plane at an airstrip outside Mwanza, Tanzania. The plane will leave Mwanza for Europe carrying 55 tons of processed fish that has been caught by Lake Victoria fisherman and filleted at a local factory. Though Mr. Sauper’s investigation of the economy and ecology around the lake ranges far and wide, he keeps coming back to a simple question. What do the planes bring to Africa? The answers vary. In any case, they leave behind a scene of misery and devastation that "Darwin’s Nightmare" presents as the agonized human face of globalization. While the flesh of millions of Nile perch is stripped, cleaned and flash-frozen for export to wealthy countries, millions of people in the Tanzanian interior live on the brink of famine. Filming with a skeletal crew, Mr. Sauper has produced an extraordinary work of visual journalism, a richly illustrated report on a distant catastrophe that is also one of the central stories of our time. — A. O. Scott, The New York Times…"
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