Kenzo ad, by Spike Jonze

Spike Jonze’s new ad for Kenzo’s new parfum, with Margaret Qualley. Top-notch.

Enjoy the video:

Director: Spike Jonze
“Margaret”: Margaret Qualley (Insta)
Producers: Natalie Farrey and Vincent Landay for MJZ
Executive producers: Humberto Leon and Carol Lim
Co-Production: Amanda Adelson
Art Directing Photography: Hoyte van Hoytema
Production Designer: KK Barrett
Editor: Eric Zumbrunnen
Choreographer: Ryan Heffington
Costumes: Heidi Bivens
Music: Mutant Brain (feat. Assassin) par Sam Spiegel & Ape Drums

Latte Motion: Latte warms the world

The world’s first latte art animation(latte motion) created with 1,000 cups of latte.

First stop motion ad made using more than 1000 coffee cups

First stop motion ad made using more than 1000 coffee cups

A fine campaign to promote… well, coffee. But what a marvelous way to do so!

Be sure to watch the last min or so with the behind the scenes to realize the huge amount of work behind this two minutes spot.

Watch the video here or pay them a visit. It is a japanese ad, but you will enjoy it anyways.

Leica 100

Historical Leica photos recreated  to celebrate the Leica 100 year centennial and the opening of the Leica Gallery in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Not every famous photograph was taken with a Leica. But they were all taken thanks to Leica.

Client: Leica Gallery São Paulo
Agency: F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi
Spot: “100”
Product: Leica Institucional
Executive Creative Director: Fabio Fernandes | Eduardo Lima
Head of Art: João Linneu
Creatives: Bruno Oppido | Romero Cavalcanti | Thiago Carvalho | João Linneu

The perfect crime

“Sometimes, marketing enables a pickpocket to steal a wallet–and be thanked for it.

Marketers are responsible for what we do, it’s not an activity without effects.

Last year, just one of the big fast food companies made more than $1,300,000,000 in profit (billion with a ‘b’). They’ve also paid their CEO nearly $200 million in salary in the last five years. Sometimes, a big profit is the sign that you’re doing something right, creating real value for people able to pay. Sometimes, though, it means you’re exploiting a weakness in the system.”


Read the whole article, in Seth Godin’s blog. Very worth reading.

Redcross Billboard

Anuncio cruz roja, area de San Francisco

Copy: What do we have to do to get your attention? Be prepared. Visit

Esta pieza móvil exterior es parte de la campaña de la campaña “Prepare Bay Area” del Bay Área Chapter de la CruzRoja americana.

Situados en el área metropolitana de San Francisco, correctamente alineados con el espectador muestran un escenario apocalíptico. El objetivo, preparar a la población para el Big One y fundraising, supongo. El crédito de las fotos es de Jason de Fillippo

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