“We have a blind spot when it comes to speeding in this country. We drive too fast. We just simply don’t get the fact that the faster you go the greater the impact. And the greater the chances of inflicting serious or fatal injury on ourselves or others. This new ad is trying to correct a national misunderstanding. Trying to deliver a strong dose of reality. It puts the laws of physics into plain English.”
Mr. Gay Byrne, Chairman, Road Safety Authority
Client: Road Safety Authority, supported by Hibernian Insurance, and from the Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland, supported by Norwich Union
Aviso, anuncio poco apto para estómagos sensibles.
Via: IBelieveInAd
Hay quienes critican la dureza de las campañas de tráfico en nuestro país, sin tener debidamente en cuenta lo duro que es perder a un ser querido o que tu vida se se vaya al garete por culpa de un imprudente. http://comerhablaramar.blogspot.com/2007/05/trfico-la-velocidad-mata.html