The guy running in front of me

I can’t stop thinking about something lately. A friend posted a story a few days ago that reminded me of a different time. When I was living in Madrid, one amazing colleague of mine dragged me to her Triathlon club. By then I had already been seriously running for a couple of years.

She thought it would be great if a couple of colleagues joined her. The thing is, it was a first-class Triathlon Club (I believe it still is one of the best in the country). Meaning most of the people were great athletes. A bit percentage of them were elite.

Some were even part of the national team. I was in okay-sh shape, but definitely not prepared to be part of that. The team’s common conversations in the dressing room were mostly about training. Strict dieting, or mocking each other not to chicken out and target to finish the next iron man in less than 9 hours. If you know Triathletes, they are characterised by their… focus.

I struggled, I was at the very bottom of the team (in a team with people 10-15 years older than me). By far the slowest swimmer, for sure. The team was already big, and there was a list of people waiting to join. If you wanted to be there, you had to be really committed.

Saying training was exhausting is an understatement. Double sessions, 3-4 days per week, plus whatever you wanted/needed to add during the weekend. Plus competing. Anyway, I ended up staying for a couple of years. Lots of lessons and findings during that time.

The thing I remember the most?

This guy in the team. The first day I met him, was in the dressing room. He said hi to some of the guys and started getting changed. I didn’t pay him a lot of attention. Just headed to the track to start warming up.

We start rolling as a group and only then I noticed he had some problem with his leg. He was weirdly dragging one of his feet. Then we shifted gears. We were supposed that day to run a few KMs at our max speed. You know what? He killed it. He was, to my surprise, faster than me.

That’s what I remember more vividly. He never gave himself any excuse, he challenged himself with every training. He was physically at a disadvantage, but man, mentally? A fucking giant. One of the most inspiring things I have ever seen. True champion courage.

I never told him how inspired I was. How much I admired his determination. I am very grateful for all the lessons of that time. The coach never treated him differently in a noticeable way. He was just one more athlete he had to push to do his best. He was showing us the way.

Showing me not to take things for granted, and not to give myself excuses. To this day, when I run, I remember him running.

Apple fonts for your prototypes

Do you want your prototypes to look as accurate as possible?

One thing that comes up very soon is that you usually do not have installed the fonts that Apple use by default ?‍♂️.

No worries, you can nail down your prototypes (or apps)….Apple offers the fonts they use, to download for free. You can find them here…. SF (pro, mono, compact) or New York fonts. Just for you. You only need to install them and voila, available in your favourite editor.

You are welcome!

A better font for your Obsidian Notes

Do you have little things that stop in your tracks and cannot “unseen” them? I do. All the time. Something that drives my (slightly OCD) soul mad is the font Obsidian uses by default. Will give you an example:

Do you see that misalignment between the line 3 and 4? Let me help you make it more obvious.

Same number of characters in both sentences, it should be aligned, shouldn’t it?

That’s the result of how that font has been designed (it is NOT a mistake by itself, just how it is built). Some letters take more space than others, causing that kind of “issue”.

If you are like me and little design details tick you off, you might understand my pain…

Thankfully, the team has enabled the change of font. You just need to go to settings > appearance. You can even define a mono font for your code!

I have two recommendations for fonts….

First, iA fonts…. Created by the team behind iA Writer ( They are fantastic & you can get them for free. They are licensed, so if you want to use them in any project, better read the licence terms. You could also use Input fonts.

The second one is Input. Input is a flexible system of fonts designed specifically for code by David Jonathan Ross(

It offers both monospaced (what we are craving here for) and proportional fonts, all with a large range of widths, weights, and styles for richer code formatting…

Your final set up should look something like this.

Now your Obsidian looks cool AF, and it does not suffer from variable spaces in your texts!

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