Brits reject music copyright extension

“Reuters is reporting that the British government has rejected a proposal to extend music recording copyrights from 50 to 95 years. Virtually all music is out of print in at 50 years, and extending copyright for another 45 years would only ensure that the vast majority of British recordings were long vanished and forgotten before they returned to the public domain. Economists calculated the net present value of the 95th year of copyright at less than the net present worth of a lottery ticket — so the government would do more for the average recording artist if they bought her a lotto ticket than if they gave her 45 years more copyright (…)”

Link: UK rejects music copyright extension

Via: BoingBoing

Via: Michael Geist

Pleix and Bacardi: Blend and Assimilate

Pleix last ad for Baccardi, with moving-pictures computer generated fluid simulation, Blend and Assimilate

French directing collective, Pleix have directed ‘Blend and Assimilate’ the latest Bacardi ad for Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R. The production company was Blink with computer generated fluid simulation created by MPC.
The striking campaign features a male and female dancer, their bodies formed completely from fluid. As the ad progresses, the ‘fluid bodies’ dance closer together in slow motion. Once they are intertwined, they are enveloped by a liquid whirlwind which sweeps the couple up, replacing them with a glass filled with the renowned alcoholic drink. MPC’s main focus for the ad was to work on developing the overall look. It was important to find a technique to get the fluid bodies to appear liquid and abstract yet recognisable as people’ (…)
More at “The Moving Picture Company splashes out for Bacardi” [+]

Client: Bacardi
Director: Pleix
Advertising Agency: RKCR/Y&R
Agency Producer: Jason Ayres
Creatives: Steve Moss, Joylon Finch
Production Company: Blink Production
Company Producer: Bart Yates, Annie Hart
Post Production Co: MPC Post Production
Producer: Vittorio Giannini Line
Producer: Paula Da Costa
VFX Supervisors: Nico Cotta, Robin Carlisle
VFX team: Christophe Allender, Giuliano Cavalli,
Gaelle Delcourt, Michael Gregory, Gem Grimshaw,
Robert Hesketh, Franck Lambertz, Mark Robinson,
Claire Pakeman, Andrew ‘Ziggy’ Zigouras.

The wind

EPURON won the top honour for best film advertising spot at the International Advertising Festival in Cannes. The “Power of Wind” ad is recognized as the most successful tv spot from Germany at Cannes. It was created by Nordpol+ Hamburg regarded as one of the most creative agencies worldwide. The Spot cleverly demonstrates in a very charming and poetic way the strength of the wind – when used intelligently – everyone benefits.

Client: Epuron in association with the german Ministry of Environment

Agency: Nordpol+ Hamburg

Brad Holland on intellectual property


(…) As a founding member of the Illustrator’s Partnership Brad Holland has become a true expert in copyright legislation. In his new role as advocate, he has spoken up for the rights of all artists, and he’s been a witness before congressional hearings on the efficacy of retaining strict laws that protect the fundamental intellectual property rights of artists, illustrators, and designers. Steven Heller (senior art director of the New York Times) caught up with Holland after one his many an exhausting periods of preparation another legislative battle, when they discussed the importance of retaining long-term copyright protection and the reasons why certain groups and industries are fighting to ease, if not abolish, copyright in the United States.

"Durante los últimos años Brad Holland, un pionero en ilustración conceptual editorial, ha estado embarcado en una incansable misión: asegurar que la existente ley del copyright no es alterada en modos que erosionen los derechos de los artistas en esta era de información electrónica, en la cual, la propiedad intelectual es tan altamente apreciada que mega corporaciones buscan los derechos exclusivos del uso de cualquier arte, sin importar el creador, para su propio beneficio. Como miembro fundador del “Illustrator’s Partnership” Holland se ha convertido en un verdadero experto en la legislación del copyright. En su nuevo papel como abogado, ha clamado por los derechos de todos los artistas y ha sido testigo ante sesiones explicativas del congreso acerca de la eficacia de mantener estrictas leyes que protejan el fundamental derecho a la propiedad intelectual de los artistas, ilustradores y diseñadores. Steven Heller (senior art director del New York Times) se pone al día con Holland después de uno de sus múltiples y extenuantes periodos de preparación para otra batalla legislativa, cuando discuten la importancia de retener protecciones de largo plazo del copyright y las razones por las cuales ciertos grupos e industrias están peleando para relajar, si no abolir, el copyright en los estados unidos. "

Con esta presentación se abre uno de los últimos podcasts de core77, "Brad Holland on intellectual property". Si me preguntan me parece un discurso tendencioso, paranoico, parcial y absolutamente sesgado, mas propio de arenga que de la articulación racional de un argumento, pero quizás necesita otra audición (cuando estas cosas me encuentran en un día poco receptivo, malo. No dudo de la buena voluntad del muchacho, no). Puede ser que la razón de esta entrada se encuentre en las quejas de V, apuntando a mi clara y denostada inclinación a incluir entradas del “otro lado”, recordadas ahora que marcha a Baton Rouge a continuar la investigación para su tesis en materia de entidades de gestión de derechos de propiedad intelectual. O quizás piense que es necesario conocer las ideas del contrario para desmontarlas mejor y me apetecía exponer un poco de esas ideas. O quizás estoy sensible por la “retirada” de Lawrence Lessing del copyright, ciber leyes y campos relacionados (aunque continuara como miembro del Stanford Center for Internet and Society y del consejo del Creative-commons). Una decisión explicada en esta entrada de su recién remodelado blog, Required Reading:: the next 10 years. Tim Wu, excelente ex alumno de Lessing y autor de algunas de las mejores cosas que he leído en Slate (lo cual es mucho decir), lo describe mejor que nadie: I can’t help feeling that its like that part in the Lord of the Rings when the elves start leaving middle-earth…

El poder de tu firma

"Your signature is more powerful than you think"

Oro y plata de los Cannes Lions 2007 (Public Awareness Messages) (Cannon Lions 2007, film winners, la lista). El primero, una animacion simple y una estetica sin concesiones para lograr transmitir con exito un mensaje claro al público, la importancia de la firma, como metáfora y paradigma de la voluntad de intervención personal. La otra pieza, de TBWA Paris tambien, unos segundos de dramático metraje, para transmitir el mismo mensaje. Via: I believe in advertising

Client: Amnesty International
Agency: TBWA\Paris, France
Executive Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Art Directors: Stephanie Thomasson, Stephane Gaubert
Copywriters: Stephane Gaubert, Stephanie Thomasson
Account Supervisor: Guillaume Allilaire
Production Company: MAGIC LAB, Montreuil
Director: Philippe Grammaticopoulos
Producer: Maxime Boiron

Agency: TBWA\PARIS, France
Executive Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Art Director: Nicolas Moreau
Copywriter: Nicolas Moreau
Account Supervisor: Guillaume Allilaire
Production Company: FESTEN FILMS, Paris
Director: Les Blin
Producer: Christian Delhaye

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